Animals in War

  • Animals in War (Unabridged Audio Book) By Jilly Cooper narrated by Patricia Gallimore
  • Publisher: W F Howes Ltd 2008-02-01 | ISBN: 1407416871 | Language: English | Audio CD in MP3 | 123 MB
  • Jilly Cooper is so well known for her racy fiction that some may have been surprised to see her tackle such a serious subject. But her love for her own dogs and cats is often written about. In one instance she famously said of a good looking woman that she had the face of a lurcher. Only a dog lover could understand that this was a compliment!
  • Jilly tells the sad and heroic tale of these heroes who had no choice and how they rose to the occasion one and all.
  • Animals in war gave their lives to their human comrades and the cause. I defy you to read this and not wonder at their spirit and generosity.
  • This is a sad read but also a moving tribute. Read it and give a home to a rescued cat, dog or horse today!
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