The Gale Encyclopedia Of Children's Health: Infancy Through Adolescence Vol 1 - 4

The Gale Encyclopedia of Children's Health, with articles by medical writers and health-care professionals and an editorial board of pediatricians with academic affiliations, has more than 600 alphabetically arranged, signed entries, ranging in length from 500 to 4,000 words. Half of the entries cover topics affecting children from conception through age 4, and the rest discuss topics affecting children from 5 to 18 years of age. These include diseases and disorders (Dyslexia, Mumps); developmental stages (Fine motor skills, Dental development); psychosocial issues (Gender constancy, Shyness); family life (^Allowance and money management, Family therapy); drugs (Acetaminophen, MMR vaccine); and medical procedures (Ear exam with an otoscope, Cerebrospinal fluid analysis). Articles on diseases and disorders include a definition, description, demographics, causes and symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, prognosis, prevention, and parental concerns.


