Advances in Structural Biology, Volume 4 By S.K. Malhotra

The present volume continues the trend established in previous volumes in this series on Advances in Structural Biology. As in the past, diverse topics of current importance relevant to the theme of the series are included in the fourth volume.

Standard Handbook of Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering: Volume 1 by William C. Lyons

The Standard Handbook of Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering would be a welcome addition to the reference collection of large academic libraries at universities with programs in petroleum engineering. It is well organized and indexed, so the information is readily accessible to students as well as practicing engineers.

Chemistry Resources in the Electronic Age (Science Resources in the Electronic Age)

Here are two useful resources with identical formats and the same purpose: to provide a gateway to authoritative Web sites suitable for use in teaching and learning. The first chapter in each, "The Basics," contains short descriptions of a variety of electronic resources and formats, terms, and some information on searching and on copyright. The bulk of each volume is a bibliography of Web resources grouped by topic within the discipline. Each record includes title, URL, grade level (ranging from elementary to postgraduate), a suggested search engine for hunting similar information, suggested keyword(s), and a detailed annotation. Among the 37 topic categories in the biology volume are "Animal Behavior," "Diffusion," "Heredity," and "Viruses." The chemistry volume has 45 categories, including "Chemical Reactions," "Equilibrium," "Lab Techniques," and "Periodic Table."


Advances in Marine Biology, Volume 41 By Alan J. Southward, Craig M. Young, Paul A. Tyler, Lee A. Fuiman

Advances in Marine Biology was first published in 1963. Now edited by A.J. Southward (Marine Biological Association, UK), P.A. Tyler (Southampton Oceanography Association, UK), C.M. Young (Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institution, USA) and L.A. Fuiman (University of Texas, USA), the serial publishes in-depth and up-to-date reviews on a wide range of topics which will appeal to postgraduates and researchers in marine biology, fisheries science, ecology, zoology, oceanography. Eclectic volumes in the series are supplemented by thematic volumes on such topics as The Biology of Calanoid Copepods.

Advances in Marine Biology, Volume 44 By Alan J. Southward, Paul A. Tyler, Lee A. Fuiman, Craig M. Young

Volume 44 is an eclectic volume with timely reviews on invertebrate zooplankton growth rates and movements on marine fish and decapod crustaceans.

Advances In Marine Biology, Volume 46 By Alan J. Southward, Paul A. Tyler, Craig M. Young, Lee A. Fuiman

This new volume of Advances in Marine Biology contains reviews on a wide range of important subjects such as: Benthic foraminifera (Protista) and Deep-Water Palaeoceanography; Breeding Biology of the Intertidal Sand Crab Emerita (Decapoda, Anomura); Coral Bleaching and Fatty acid trophic markers in the marine environment.

Advances in Marine Biology, Volume 54 By D.W. Sims

Advances in Marine Biology was first published in 1963 under the founding editorship of Sir Frederick S. Russell, FRS. Now edited by D.W. Sims (Marine Biological Association Laboratory, Plymouth, UK), with an internationally renowned Editorial Board, the serial publishes in-depth and up-to-date reviews on a wide range of topics which will appeal to postgraduates and researchers in marine biology, fisheries science, ecology, zoology, and biological oceanography. Eclectic volumes in the series are supplemented by thematic volumes on such topics as The Biology of Calanoid Copepods.

Cosmetic Dermatology for Skin of Color

The definitive guide to adapting cosmetic procedures to skin of color

A Doody's Core Title!

"This book is informative about treating patients with darker skin and I would recommend it to any dermatologist who sees these patients. The authors' presentations are unbiased and their conclusions are clear. I know I will reread many of the chapters when I see patients with skin types 4-6. 3 Stars."--Doody's Review Service

Cosmetic Dermatology for Skin of Color expertly explains how patient assessment, surgical intervention, and medical treatment (including cosmeceuticals) differ for patients with pigmented skin. Presented in full color, the book demonstrates ways to improve efficacy, reduce treatment time, and minimize adverse effects in this special patient population.

This book picks up where other books on cosmetic and laser dermatology leave off. Cosmetic Dermatology for Skin of Color is the first resource that focuses on every aspect of care, helping you optimize patient outcomes for virtually every kind of procedure.


All the procedural and technological know-how you need to successfully treat patients with more heavily pigmented skin
Templated, easy-to-navigate chapters provide detailed overviews of:
--Patient assessment
--Patient selection
--Device/treatment selection
--Device use, dose/setting selection
--Treatment regimen
--Postoperative care
--Management of adverse events
Full coverage of all procedures for ethnic skin types, including microdermabrasion and superficial peels, dermal rejuvenation, nonablative laser and intensed pulsed light, and liposuction
Important reviews of hyperpigmentation, hypopigmentation, the development of hypertrophic scars, and other issues specific to skin of color
A separate chapter on cosmeceuticals, which highlights their benefits in day-to-day clinical practice
190 full-color illustrations

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Perturbative Quantum Electrodynamics and Axiomatic Field Theory

This book demonstrates that fundamental concepts and methods from phenomenological particle physics can be derived rigorously from well-defined general assumptions in a mathematically clean way. Starting with the Wightman formulation of relativistic quantum field theory, the perturbative formulation of quantum electrodynamics is derived avoiding the usual formalism based on the canonical commutation relations. A scattering formalism based on the local-observables approach is developed, directly yielding expressions for the observable inclusive cross-sections without having to introduce the S-matrix. Neither ultraviolet nor infrared regularizations are required in this approach. Although primarily intended for researchers working in this field, anyone with a basic working knowledge of relativistic quantum field theory can benefit from this book.

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Similarity Solutions of Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations

The method of similarity solutions for solving nonlinear partial differential equations has produced a plentiful harvest of results since Birkhoff called attention to it in 1950. The general references in the bibliography at the
end of this book cite hundreds of successful individual works. In spite of this success, the method is still not as widely known as equally fruitful methods for solving linear partial differential equations, e.g., separation of variables or Laplace transforms. To popularize the method of similarity solutions, to teach it as a practical technique, to make it a part of the daily armament of the technologist, is the goal of this book.

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Finite von Neumann Algebras and Masas

A thorough account of the methods that underlie the theory of subalgebras of finite von Neumann algebras, this book contains a substantial amount of current research material and is ideal for those studying operator algebras. The conditional expectation, basic construction and perturbations within a finite von Neumann algebra with a fixed faithful normal trace are discussed in detail. The general theory of maximal abelian self-adjoint subalgebras (masas) of separable II1 factors is presented with illustrative examples derived from group von Neumann algebras. The theory of singular masas and Sorin Popa's methods of constructing singular and semi-regular masas in general separable II1 factor are explored. Appendices cover the ultrapower of an II1 factor and the properties of unbounded operators required for perturbation results. Proofs are given in considerable detail and standard basic examples are provided, making the book understandable to postgraduates with basic knowledge of von Neumann algebra theory.

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Systems of Frequency Curves

It has long enjoyed popularity as a source of clear descriptions of the practical use of Pearson and also Gram-Charlie systems of frequency curves. Professor Johnson has substantially revised this book. The material on correlations has been omitted; descriptions of further kinds of frequency curves have been added; the treatment of frequency surfaces has been recast and broadened; and the opportunity has been taken to amend the original text in the light of later research. The aim of this book remains essentially practical. There is no attempt at encyclopaedic coverage of all known systems of frequency curves and surfaces. It should be of especial value as a quick reference book (for statisticians and non-statisticians alike) for formulae and methods used in fitting frequency curves.

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Finite Quantum Electrodynamics: The Causal Approach

In this textbook for graduate students in physics the author carefully analyses the role of causality in Q.E.D. This new approach avoids ultraviolet divergences, so that the detailed calculations of scattering processes and proofs can be carried out in a mathematically rigorous manner. Significant themes such as renormalizability, gauge invariance, unitarity, renormalization group, interacting fields and axial anomalies are discussed. The extension of the methods to non-abelian gauge theories is briefly described. The book differs considerably from its first edition: Chap. 3 on Causal Perturbation Theory was completely rewritten and Chap. 4 on Properties of the S-Matrix and Chap. 5 on Other Electromagnetic Couplings are new.

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Advanced Molecular Biology by Richard M. Twyman

This book emphasises the unifying principles and mechanisms of molecular biology, with frequent use of tables and boxes to summarise experimental data and gene and protein functions.

Stream Ciphers and Number Theory

Deals with many connections between stream ciphers and number theory covering topics like construction of generators, cryptographic properties of key streams such as linear complexity, pattern distribution, correlation properties and 2-adic complexity. The monograph gives a useful overview on the present stage of research, moreover it contains more than 30 open research problems.

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Advances in Engineering Fluid Mechanics: Multiphase Reactor and Polymerization System Hydrodynamics by Nicholas P Cheremisinoff

This volume of the Advances in Engineering Fluid Mechanics Series covers topics in hydrodynamics related to polymerization of elastomers and plastics. Emphasis is given to advanced concepts in multiphase reactor systems often used in the manufacturing of products. This volume is comprised of 30 chapters that address key subject areas such as multiphase mixing concepts, multicomponet reactors and the hydrodynamics associated with their operations, and slurry flow behavior associated with non-Newtonian flows.


THE present edition is enlarged to provide, in the first place, an introduction to the mathematical and experimental study of compressible flow, subsonic and supersonic. This and other matters now becoming prominent are not collected in a supplementary section but incorporated in place as additional articles or short chapters. Following a well-established practice, the numbering of original articles, figures and chapters is left undisturbed as far as possible, interpolations being distinguished by letter-suffixes. It is hoped this procedure will ensure a minimum of inconvenience to readers familiar with the earlier edition. To some extent the unlettered articles indicate a first course of reading, though a modern view of Aerodynamics requires consideration of Mach numbers equally with Reynolds numbers almost from the outset.




Foundations of the Theory of Algebraic Invariants

The theory of algebraic invariants has found insufficient attention in Russian mathematical literature. The book by Alekseev, written in 1899, is largely out of date, while individual chapters in certain text-books on algebra (Sushkevich, Bocher, etc.) written later, give only the beginnings of the theory. The present book is to fill this gap. Its essential special feature is wide utilization of classical methods as well as of the basic concepts and notation of tensor algebra; this makes it possible to present all problems at once in as general a form as possible. In addition, the Author believes that only by this means can one succeed in bringing full clarity to the problem of Aronhold's symbolic.

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Harriet J. Smith - Parenting for Primates

What parent hasn't wondered "What do I do now?" as a baby cries or a teenager glares? Making babies may come naturally, but knowing how to raise them doesn't. As primatologist-turned-psychologist Harriet J. Smith shows in this lively safari through the world of primates, parenting by primates isn't instinctive, and that's just as true for monkeys and apes as it is for humans.
In this natural history of primate parenting, Smith compares parenting by nonhuman and human primates. In a narrative rich with vivid anecdotes derived from interviews with primatologists, from her own experience breeding cottontop tamarin monkeys for over thirty years, and from her clinical psychology practice, Smith describes the thousand and one ways that primate mothers, fathers, grandparents, siblings, and even babysitters care for their offspring, from infancy through young adulthood.
Smith learned the hard way that hand-raised cottontop tamarins often mature into incompetent parents. Her observation of inadequate parenting by cottontops plus her clinical work with troubled human families sparked her interest in the process of how primates become "good-enough" parents. The story of how she trained her tamarins to become adequate parents lays the foundation for discussions about the crucial role of early experience on parenting in primates, and how certain types of experiences, such as anxiety and social isolation, can trigger neglectful or abusive parenting.
Smith reveals diverse strategies for parenting by primates, but she also identifies parenting behaviors crucial to the survival and development of primate youngsters that have stood the test of time.

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Clinging to Mammy: The Faithful Slave in Twentieth-Century America

When Aunt Jemima beamed at Americans from the pancake mix box on grocery shelves, many felt reassured by her broad smile that she and her product were dependable. She was everyone's mammy, the faithful slave who was content to cook and care for whites, no matter how grueling the labor, because she loved them. This far-reaching image of the nurturing black mother exercises a tenacious hold on the American imagination.
Micki McElya examines why we cling to mammy. She argues that the figure of the loyal slave has played a powerful role in modern American politics and culture. Loving, hating, pitying, or pining for mammy became a way for Americans to make sense of shifting economic, social, and racial realities. Assertions of black people's contentment with servitude alleviated white fears while reinforcing racial hierarchy. African American resistance to this notion was varied but often placed new constraints on black women.
McElya's stories of faithful slaves expose the power and reach of the myth, not only in popular advertising, films, and literature about the South, but also in national monument proposals, child custody cases, white women's minstrelsy, New Negro activism, anti-lynching campaigns, and the civil rights movement. The color line and the vision of interracial motherly affection that helped maintain it have persisted into the twenty-first century. If we are to reckon with the continuing legacy of slavery in the United States, McElya argues, we must confront the depths of our desire for mammy and recognize its full racial implications.

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Urlah B. Nissam - India: Economic, Political and Social Issues

India is the world's twelfth largest economy at market exchange rates and the third largest in purchasing power. Economic reforms have transformed it into the second fastest growing large economy; however, it still suffers from high levels of poverty, illiteracy, malnutrition and environmental degradation. A pluralistic, multilingual, and multiethnic society, India is also home to a diversity of wildlife in a variety of protected habitats. This book presents recent important issues dealing with India.

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Michael Morris - Americans with Disabilities: State and Local Financing and Systems Reform

The current picture of long-term services and supports (LTSS) documented by families, policymakers, researchers and service providers is complex, confusing and frustrating. It is a ship struggling with the weight of escalating costs and an increasing number of passengers seeking access and safe passage. Services and supports are scattered throughout numerous federal programs, with uncertain points of entry and different rules of eligibility defined by geography, income level, age, and nature and type of disability. There is no comprehensive national policy focused on LTSS that is free from the medical model and institutional bias of long-term care (LTC).However, at the state and local levels, there is a push to move forward: setting new policies, reallocating resources, testing new service delivery approaches, and engaging individuals with disabilities and families in a public dialogue to redesign the ship to support a consumer-responsive system that encourages choices, seeks flexibility in service delivery, invests in public-private collaboration, and values the role of formal and informal caregivers. None of the highlighted activities can offer a comprehensive roadmap to reform of existing systems. However, each highlighted state or local system focuses a spotlight on innovative thinking, including policies, processes, and methods of administration to help guide the redesign efforts for the future. This book identifies and highlights selected activities at the state and local levels that are leading toward increased access to LTSS with federal and state dollars.A growing number of states are re-evaluating their current systems to identify a range of options for consumers to remain in their own homes or communities rather than be forced into more restrictive environments and skilled nursing facilities. Researchers selected five states to profile and analysed current activities that are in different stages of development toward the goal of comprehensive, person-centred service and support programs.

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Boris F. Vanyushin, Vasili V. Ashapkin - DNA Methylation in Plants

A high degree of nuclear DNA (nDNA) methylation is a specific feature of plant genomes, they do contain 5-methylcytosine (m5C) and N6-methyl adenine (m6A). More than 30 per cent m5C is located in CNG sequences. Specific changes in DNA methylation accompany the entire life of a plant starting from seed germination up to the death programmed or induced by various agents and factors of biological or abiotic nature. Modulation of DNA methylation is one of the possible modes of the hormonal action in plant. DNA methylation in plants is species-, tissue-, organelle- and age-specific; it is involved in the control of all genetic functions including transcription, replication, DNA repair, gene transposition and cell differentiation.DNA methylation is engaged in gene silencing and parental imprinting, it controls trans genes and foreign DNA.Plants have much more complicated and sophisticated system of the multi-component and sometimes even conjugated genome (nuclear DNA) methylations compared with animals; besides, unlike animals, they have the plastids with their own unique DNA modification system that may control plastid differentiation and functioning; DNA methylation in plant mitochondria is performed in other fashion compared with it in nuclei. The nuclear DNA methylation system is controlled by three major families of cytosine DNA-methyltransferase genes, at least.In contrast to animals the inactivation of major maintenance methyltransferase MET1 (similar to animal Dnmt1) has no significant consequences for plant survival. Other plant cytosine DNA-methyltransferases have no analogs in animals. Some of them (DRM) are responsible for de novo DNA methylation including asymmetric sequences. Plant gene may be methylated at both adenine and cytosine residues; specific adenine DNA-methyltransferase was described. Adenine DNA methylation may influence cytosine modification and vice versa.Anyway, two different systems of the genome modification based on methylation of adenines and cytosines coexist in higher plants. The specific endonucleases discriminating between methylated and unmethylated DNA are present in plants. Thus, plants may have restriction-modification system. There are peculiar complicated controls for growth and development by DNA methylations in plants; they are well co-ordinated with other epigenetic signals modulating chromatin organisation.

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Jennifer Gordon - Suburban Sweatshops: The Fight for Immigrant Rights

Jorge Bonilla is hospitalized with pneumonia from sleeping at the restaurant where he works, unable to afford rent on wages of thirty cents an hour. Domestic worker Yanira Juarez discovers she has labored for six months with no wages at all; her employer lied about establishing a savings account for her. We live in an era of the sweatshop reborn.
In 1992 Jennifer Gordon founded the Workplace Project to help immigrant workers in the underground suburban economy of Long Island, New York. In a story of gritty determination and surprising hope, she weaves together Latino immigrant life and legal activism to tell the unexpected tale of how the most vulnerable workers in society came together to demand fair wages, safe working conditions, and respect from employers. Immigrant workers--many undocumented--won a series of remarkable victories, including a raise of thirty percent for day laborers and a domestic workers' bill of rights. In the process, they transformed themselves into effective political participants.
Gordon neither ignores the obstacles faced by such grassroots organizations nor underestimates their very real potential for fundamental change. This revelatory work challenges widely held beliefs about the powerlessness of immigrant workers, what a union should be, and what constitutes effective lawyering. It opens up exciting new possibilities for labor organizing, community building, participatory democracy, legal strategies, and social justice.

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Judith Buber Agassi - Jewish Women Prisoners of Ravensbruck

Jewish Women Prisoners of Ravensbruck offers insight into the identities of the women within Ravensbruck's walls, presenting original research from major archives in Germany, Israel and the USA. The author has recovered the identity of over 16,000 Jewish women over the six year history of the camp, drawing data from transport and death registration lists, as well as from records that were smuggled out of the camp before liberation, all double-checked, where possible, with personal testimonies.

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Bioinformatics: A Practical Approach

An emerging, ever-evolving branch of science, bioinformatics has paved the way for the explosive growth in the distribution of biological information to a variety of biological databases, including the National Center for Biotechnology Information. For growth to continue in this field, biologists must obtain basic computer skills while computer specialists must possess a fundamental understanding of biological problems. Bridging the gap between biology and computer science, Bioinformatics: A Practical Approach assimilates current bioinformatics knowledge and tools relevant to the omics age into one cohesive, concise, and self-contained volume.


Pressure Vessel Handbook by Eugene F. Megyesy

The Pressure Vessel Handbook covers design and construction methods of pressure vessels made of carbon steel. The Handbook reflects the continuous revisions of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII, Division 1; as well as ANSI standards, API specifications, piping codes, and pressure vessel laws. The book contains 460 illustrations, 95 tables, and 30 charts.

Pharmaceutical Microbiology by W. B. Hugo

Text for pharmacy undergraduate students on microbiology as it relates to pharmacy, such as mode of action of antibiotics or the manufacture and quality control of pharmaceutical agents. Previous edition: c1992. Halftone illustrations. Referenced. Softcover. Reviews of previous editions: "I would recommend it to both students and practitioners of pharmaceutical microbiology." Journal of Medical Microbiology "The book provides an excellent groundwork for students of pharmacy and other biomedical sciences." Society for General Microbiology Quarterly " with its subject matter in a concise but comprehensive manner and is to be highly recommended." Australian Journal of Medical Science

Dorothy G. Singer, Jerome L. Singer - Imagination and Play in the Electronic Age

Television, video games, and computers are easily accessible to twenty-first-century children, but what impact do they have on creativity and imagination? In this book, two wise and long-admired observers of children's make-believe look at the cognitive and moral potential--and concern--created by electronic media.
As Dorothy and Jerome Singer show, violent images in games and TV are as toxic as many observers have feared by stimulating destructive ideas and troubling aggression. But should all electronic media be banned from children's lives? Calmly and authoritatively, the Singers argue that in fact some screen time can enrich children's creativity and play, and can even promote school readiness. With guidance from parents and teachers, empathy, creativity, and imagination can expand and intensify in the electronic age.

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Miao-Kun Sun - Cognitive Sciences Research Progre

This book presents new research on cognitive science which is most simply defined as the scientific study either of mind or of intelligence. It is an interdisciplinary study drawing from relevant fields including psychology, philosophy, neuroscience, linguistics, anthropology, computer science, biology, and physics. There are several approaches to the study of cognitive science. These approaches may be classified broadly as symbolic, connectionist, and dynamic systems. Symbolic holds that cognition can be explained using operations on symbols, by means of explicit computational theories and models of mental (but not brain) processes analogous to the workings of a digital computer. Connectionist (subsymbolic) holds that cognition can only be modelled and explained by using artificial neural networks on the level of physical brain properties.Hybrid systems hold that cognition is best modelled using both connectionist and symbolic models, and possibly other computational techniques. "Dynamic Systems" hold that cognition can be explained by means of a continuous dynamical system in which all the elements are interrelated, like the Watt Governor. The essential questions of cognitive science seem to be: what is intelligence? and how is it possible to model it computationally?

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Encyclopedia of Dinosaurs


Spectral Analysis: Parametric and Non-Parametric Digital Methods

Signal processing—the concept of frequency often referred to as spectral concepts—is the focal point of this collection of essays. Discussing parametric methods, with specific focus on time-series models, Capon's method, and notions of sub-spaces, as well as the popular and traditional analog methods, this text also addresses the quests for better frequency resolution in spectral concepts with advancements in digital tools.


Aquarium Plants

Translated from the popular 1999 revised German edition, this text describes the temperature, water, fertilizer, and light needs of more than 300 aquarium plants. Artificial lighting - lamp types, color temperatures, and mounting - is discussed in detail and the author provides advice on choosing the right plants for an aquarium. Ecological factors, flower biology and morphology, and reproduction methods receive detailed coverage. The book contains 525 color photographs with nearly all plants depicted with fully developed submerged foliage. Many of the photographs of rare plants were published for the first time in the German edition. Botanists as well as professional and amateur aquarium keepers will find this book indispensable.


Partial Differential Equations: Basic Theory

This text provides an introduction to the theory of partial differential equations. It introduces basic examples of partial differential equations, arising in continuum mechanics, electromagnetism, complex analysis and other areas, and develops a number of tools for their solution, including particularly Fourier analysis, distribution theory, and Sobolev spaces. These tools are applied to the treatment of basic problems in linear PDE, including the Laplace equation, heat equation, and wave equation, as well as more general elliptic, parabolic, and hyperbolic equations. Companion texts, which take the theory of partial differential equations further, are AMS volume 116, treating more advanced topics in linear PDE, and AMS volume 117, treating problems in nonlinear PDE. This book is addressed to graduate students in mathematics and to professional mathematicians, with an interest in partial differential equations, mathematical physics, differential geometry, harmonic analysis, and complex analysis.


The Human Side of Medicine: Learning What It's Like to be a Patient and What It's Like to be a Physician

At a time of great change in the technology and delivery of medical care, the timelessness and permanence of the non-technical aspects of medicine--the human side--are of profound value to patients and physicians alike. With more than 30 years of medical practice, teaching, advising, and mentoring medical students and undergraduates, Savett champions two premises: first, that the importance of physicians mastering the human side of medicine is as critical as learning its biology and technology; and second, that this can be taught. Attending to the human side refines diagnosis and treatment by recognizing the uniqueness of each patient's experience, and it enriches the experience for all those in the caring professions.


Elementary Number Theory, 5th Edition (Include Solutions manual)

Elementary Number Theory and Its Applications is noted for its outstanding exercise sets, including basic exercises, exercises designed to help students explore key concepts, and challenging exercises. Computational exercises and computer projects are also provided. In addition to years of use and professor feedback, the fifth edition of this text has been thoroughly checked to ensure the quality and accuracy of the mathematical content and the exercises.

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Atomic Light (Shadow Optics)

Dreams, x-rays, atomic radiation, and “invisible men” are phenomena that are visual in nature but unseen. Atomic Light (Shadow Optics) reveals these hidden interiors of cultural life, the “avisual” as it has emerged in the writings of Jorge Luis Borges and Jacques Derrida, Tanizaki Jun’ichirô and Sigmund Freud, and H. G. Wells and Ralph Ellison, and in the early cinema and the postwar Japanese films of Kobayashi Masaki, Teshigahara Hiroshi, Kore-eda Hirokazu, and Kurosawa Kiyoshi, all under the shadow cast by the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.


Structural Chemistry of Inorganic Actinide Compounds

Structural Chemistry of Inorganic Actinide Compounds is a collection of 13 reviews on structural and coordination chemistry of actinide compounds. Within the last decade, these compounds have attracted considerable attention because of their importance for radioactive waste management, catalysis, ion-exchange and absorption applications, etc. Synthetic and natural actinide compounds are also of great environmental concern as they form as a result of alteration of spent nuclear fuel and radioactive waste under Earth surface conditions, during burn-up of nuclear fuel in reactors, represent oxidation products of uranium miles and mine tailings, etc. The actinide compounds are also of considerable interest to material scientists due to the unique electronic properties of actinides that give rise to interesting physical properties controlled by the structural architecture of respective compounds.


Technology of Reduced Additive Foods

Since some food additives have been shown to be harmful to certain individuals, a common perception now is that all food additives are potentially dangerous. This had led to a large market for products making minimal use of additives. Tight regulatory control and labelling requirements provide further impetus for the development of these products. This book provides an authoritative and comprehensive review of the industrially important advances in the technology that allow food products to be manufactured with fewer of the additives that have been traditionally used. Also, many new natural and harmless ingredients and additives are becoming available. These are also covered to enable new product concepts to be considered.




Psychoanalysis of Fire

This little book constitutes, for me, an excellent introductory piece to the thoughts of Gaston Bachelard. Much more clearly than "Poetics of Space", or "The Right to Dream", this book gives insight into Bachelard's transition from scientist to philosopher. If you haven't yet read any of his works, you should consider doing so if only to reevaluate your own methods of analysis of the world around you, both the material and the immaterial. In the "Psychoanalysis of Fire" Bachelard turns his sciento-phenomonologist methods of analysis to the existence of fire, both as a real presence throughout the history of mankind and as a literary, symbolic presence with perhaps even more significance.

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Rock Physics & Phase Relations: A Handbook of Physical Constants

The purpose of this Handbook is to provide, in highly accessible form, selected critical data for professional and student solid Earth and planetary geophysicists.
Coverage of topics and authors were carefully chosen to fulfill these objectives. These volumes represent the third version of the “Handbook of Physical Constants. W Several generations of solid Earth scientists have found these handbooks’to be the most frequently used item in their personal library.




Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics

In this field of research, the term, “machine”, refers not only to computers, but also to diverse control devices in complex dynamic situations, such as industrial processes or transportation networks. Human activities are mainly oriented toward decisionmaking, including monitoring and fault detection, fault anticipation, diagnosis and prognosis, and fault prevention and recovery. The objectives of this decision-making are related to human-machine system performance (production quantity and quality) as well as to overall system safety.




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Theory and Applications of Fractional Differential Equations

This book is written primarily for the graduate students and researchers in many different disciplines in the mathematical, physical, engineering and so many others sciences, who are interested not only in learning about the various mathematical tools and techniques used in the theory and widespread applications of fractional differential equations, but also in further investigations which emerge naturally from (or which are motivated substantially by) the physical situations modelled mathematically in the book.




The Scientific Conquest of Death

Nineteen scientists, doctors and philosophers share their perspective on what is arguably the most significant scientific development that humanity has ever faced - the eradication of aging and mortality. This anthology is both a gentle introduction to the multitude of cutting-edge scientific developments, and a thoughtful, multidisciplinary discussion of the ethics, politics and philosophy behind the scientific conquest of aging.


Solution of Differential Equation Models by Polynomial Approximation

The principal aim of this book is to support the engineer — specifically the chemical engineer — who is interested in quantitative treatment of physical models. The book contains in particular an extended account of the collocation method.


Essay on the Geography of Plants

The legacy of Alexander von Humboldt (1769–1859) looms large over the natural sciences. His 1799–1804 research expedition to Central and South America with botanist Aimé Bonpland set the course for the great scientific surveys of the nineteenth century, especially Darwin’s travels to South America, and inspired such essayists and artists as Emerson, Goethe, Thoreau, Poe, and Church.

The chronicles of the expedition were published in Paris after Humboldt’s return, and first among them was the 1807 “Essay on the Geography of Plants.” Among the most cited writings in natural history, after the works of Darwin and Wallace, this work appears here for the first time in a complete English-language translation. Covering far more than its title implies, it represents the first articulation of an integrative “science of the earth,” encompassing most of today’s environmental sciences. The edition also includes a poster-sized color reproduction of the Mt. Chimborazo tableau, an icon in the history of science and scientific graphics.

Here, ecologist Stephen T. Jackson introduces the treatise and explains its enduring significance two centuries after its publication. He also provides materials on the instruments used by Humboldt and biographical sketches of the persons mentioned in the Essay. Sylvie Romanowski, a scholar of eighteenth-century literature, provides a detailed analysis of the Mt. Chimborazo plate from the perspectives of literary history, history of science, and art in the period.


Advances in Developmental Biology, Volume 14: Planar Cell Polarization During Development

Cellular polarization is key to all cellular functions. Our perceptions, which are derived from our senses, depend on the proper cellular polarization of our sense organs, such as the eyes or ears. Much of this book examines the different aspects in cellular polarization and its researched role in the Drosophila, where the first planar cellular polarity (PCP) gene was discovered over 20 years ago. Topics also include: From flies to man: how we are polarized, Marking an embryo work, Cellular polarization at its functional best, Hearing and seeing your environment, and From a cell to an organ.


Behavioral Neurobiology of Schizophrenia and Its Treatment

This book describes the state-of-the-art of treatment of schizophrenia and reflects its development in 22 chapters written by leading authorities in the field


Joseph Smartt, "Goldfish Varieties and Genetics: Handbook for Breeders"

The goldfish, Carassius auratus, a member of the Carp family, Cyprinidae, has been domesticated for many hundreds of years, as a food fish, a laboratory animal and now most important commercially, for ornamental and aesthetic purposes. There are now many scores of recognised varieties, which have been produced over time by selection processes and other methods described in detail in this stimulating book.
Goldfish Varieties and Genetics covers all major aspects relating to goldfish breeding and genetics in a readable and user-friendly style. An account is presented of the domestication and evolution of the goldfish, including comprehensive details of the relevant genetic and biological principles involved in the development strategies and production of new varieties. The book also covers the subject of goldfish appreciation and the international significance of goldfish shows and show standards. The book concludes with an exciting forward look at the potential evolutionary future for the goldfish.
This important and timely book brings together, for the first time, a wealth of scientific information, presented in a clear and understandable manner by Dr Joseph Smartt, who has many years' experience working in fish genetics and breeding. The book is a must-have purchase for all serious goldfish breeders, hobbyists and dealers, fish biologists and geneticists, aquarium keepers and aquaculture personnel.


Natural and engineered resistance to plant viruses, Volume 76: Part II

Viruses are a huge threat to agriculture. In the past, viruses used to be controlled using conventional methods, such as crop rotation and destruction of the infected plants, but now there are more novel ways to control them. This volume focuses on topics that must be better understood in order to foster future developments in basic and applied plant virology. These range from virus epidemiology and virus/host co-evolution and the control of vector-mediated transmission through to systems biology investigations of virus-cell interactions. Other chapters cover the current status of signalling in natural resistance and the potential for a revival in the use of cross-protection, as well as future opportunities for the deployment of the under-utilized but highly effective crop protection strategy of pathogen-derived resistance.


The Zebrafish: Genetics and Genomics (Methods in Cell Biology, Vol 60)

This is the second volume of a two-volume, comprehensive treatment of the methodologies used in researching the Zebrafish, an emerging vertebrate model system. The text includes discussions on development, genetic methodologies, and model applications.

Key Features
* Details state-of-the-art zebrafish protocols in a single-source reference
* Presents methods and reagents in user-friendly format
* Delineates critical steps and pitfalls of he procedures
* Illustrates techniques with full-color plates
* Summarizes many new and interesting developmental mutants
* Includes appendices with strain information and a compendium of zebrafish World Wide Web sites
* Is relevant to clinicians interested in vertebrate models of human congenital diseases


Math - Houghton Mifflin

Whether you're looking for a kindergarten math program, powerful intervention, or special resources to meet the diverse learning needs in your classroom, Houghton Mifflin really delivers. These dynamic, research-based mathematics materials provide comprehensive support to ensure math achievement, a strong focus on skill building, problem solving, and concepts mastery for every level of learning, and plenty of practice for every day mathematics and test-taking success.

Student book

Take home book

Algebraic Topology

This book was written to be a readable introduction to Algebraic Topology with rather broad coverage of the subject. Our viewpoint is quite classical in spirit, and stays largely within the confines of pure Algebraic Topology. In a sense, the book could have been written thirty years ago since virtually all its content is at least thatold. However, the passage of the intervening years has helped clarify what the most important results and techniques are. For example, CW complexes have proved over time to be the most natural class of spaces for Algebraic Topology, so they are emphasized here much more than in the books of an earlier generation. This emphasisalso illustrates the book’s general slant towards geometric, rather than algebraic, aspects of the subject. The geometry of Algebraic Topology is so pretty, it would seem a pity to slight it and to miss all the intuition that it provides. At deeper levels, algebra becomes increasingly important, so for the sake of balance it seems only fair to emphasize geometry at the beginning.



Change Your Questions, Change Your Life

 Questions are at the core of how we listen, behave, think, and relate--as individuals and organizations. Virtually everything we think and do is generated by questions. Questions push us into new territories. The future begins with our thinking, represented by the questions we ask ourselves.
"Change Your Questions, Change Your Life" shows readers how to consistently choose the questions that can lead them to success, both personally and professionally. This technique, called "QuestionsThinking," stimulates innovation, accelerate productivity, and create more rewarding relationships.

"Change Your Questions, Change Your Life" is a personal growth fable that tells how a seasoned executive, Ben Knight, uses QuestionThinking to move into a higher leadership role and how the same methods of change help him and his wife, Grace, enrich their marriage.





Oppenheimer And the Manhattan Project

Oppenheimer and The Manhattan Project: Insights Into J Robert Oppenheimer, "Father Of The Atomic Bomb"
World Scientific Publishing Company | December 27, 2005 | ISBN-10: 981256599X | 184 pages | PDF | 1.5 mb
2004 marked the centennial of the birth of J Robert Oppenheimer, and brought historians and scholars, former students, nuclear physicists, and politicians together to celebrate this event. Oppenheimer's life and work became central to 20th century history as he spearheaded the development of the atomic bomb that ended World War II. This book provides a spectrum of interpretations of Oppenheimer's life and scientific achievements. It approaches the extraordinary scientist and teacher from many perspectives, chronicling the years from his boyhood through his role as director of the Los Alamos National Laboratory and afterwards. The book also discusses Oppenheimer's connection to New Mexico, which hosted two of the Manhattan Project's most crucial sites, and addresses his lasting impact on contemporary science, international politics, and the postwar age.


The Hippocratic Oath and the Ethics of Medicine

This engaging book examines what the Hippocratic Oath meant to Greek physicians 2400 years ago and reflects on its relevance to medical ethics today. Drawing on the writings of ancient physicians, Greek playwrights, and modern scholars, each chapter explores one of its passages and concludes with a modern case discussion. The Oath proposes principles governing the relationship between the physician and society and patients. It rules out the use of poison and a hazardous abortive technique. It defines integrity and discretion in physicians' speech. The ancient Greek medical works written during the same period as the Oath reveal that Greek physicians understood that they had a duty to avoid medical errors and learn from bad outcomes.


Taking Your iPad to the Max (Technology in Action)

It looks different. It acts different. There’s no right way to hold it. It responds to the touch of your fingertips. It’s the Internet in your lap. It connects to the world, yet it is as personal as a well-worn book.

Taking Your iPad to the Max is written so that anyone, from a computer- savvy teenager to a 92 year-old great-grandmother, can quickly get up to speed on Apple’s latest hit. As bloggers at The Unofficial Apple Weblog (, we have the happy privilege of working with Apple products every day. The iPad is so different from any computer you’ve ever used, and we realize many people could use a helping hand, to feel comfortable buying and using an iPad. We take you from selecting and buying an iPad, to connecting it to the Internet, and then demonstrate just how to use the incredible power of the iPad and all its apps to enhance your life.

Whether you’re using your iPad to surf the Internet, admire family photos, listen to music, watch movies, or read a book, we’re here to guide you. We show you how your iPad can be a virtual shopping mall, opening the door to purchases of music, books, videos, and movies. We help you organize your daily life through the use of Calendar, Notes, and Contacts, communicate with friends and colleagues with Mail, and find your way with Maps.

The iPad is more than the ultimate leisure device; it’s also a work tool. Taking Your iPad to the Max guides you through the basics of Apple’s iWork suite for iPad. Learn to create business or personal documents with Pages, make professional presentations with Keynote, and keep data and finances under control with Numbers.


Digital Airborne Camera: Introduction and Technology

This book describes all components of a digital airborne camera from the object to be imaged to the mass memory device. So the image quality influencing processes in nature are described, as for instance the reflection of the electromagnetic sun spectrum at the objects to be imaged and the influence of the atmosphere. Also, the essential features of the new digital sensor system, their characteristics and parameters, are addressed and put into the system context. The complexity of the cooperation of all camera components, as for instance optics, filters, detector elements, analogue and digital electronics, software and so forth, becomes transparent. The book includes also the description of example systems.




Blackberry Pearl Pocket Guide

Everyone knows how addictive a BlackBerry can be--they don't call them "crackberries" for nothing! Well, you haven't seen anything until you try the brand new BlackBerry Pearl. This brand new phone has it all, and it's small, smart, and stylish too. Not only does it have all the features you expect from a BlackBerry (Phone, Email and Text Messaging, Instant Messaging, Organizer, Browser) but it has some great new "Wow" features including a camera, media player, and BlackBerry Maps. In The BlackBerry Pearl Pocket Guide, trusted gadget teacher and best-selling author Bart G. Farkas reveals the secrets to using this amazing new phone: learn how to take cool pictures and share them with your colleagues, view Web pages, import songs, manage your appointments, communicate with email, text and instant messaging, retrieve maps and detailed driving directions, and even import video. This handy pocket-sized guide also walks readers through the fun lifestyle functions, from playing a new Sudoku game every day to charting your diet and exercise patterns. In this low-priced guide, you'll find compact-yet-detailed coverage of everything the BlackBerry Pearl can do, as well as all the necessary information on "why" you should use it to be more productive.




Google on the Go: Using an Android-Powered Mobile Phone

So you’ve got one of those hot new Android-powered phones? Awesome! Now, get the most out of it with Google on the Go! This friendly, easy book shows exactly how to use your phone to make your life more productive, more efficient, and more fun!

Making calls? Playing MP3s? Sending Gmail? Taking pictures? It’s all covered here—one step at a time, in plain English. There’s no faster way to master the great Google tools built into your new phone: calendar, messaging, web browsing, chat, Google Maps, YouTube, you name it!

Want to customize your phone? Here’s how. Need to troubleshoot a problem? No sweat: you’ll find easy, step-by-step directions. Whether you’re using the T-Mobile G1 or another Android-powered smartphone, this book answers all your questions so you can harness the power of Google applications and tools in the palm of your hand.

• Set up your Google Android phone fast!
• Quickly master phone basics, from speakerphone to call waiting
• Transfer contacts from your computer or another phone
• Add new Calendar appointments and reminders
• Make the most of your free Gmail account
• Take photos, and send them instantly to your contacts
• Watch videos and upload them to YouTube
• Find practically anything with Google Search
• Use Google Talk’s handy chat features
• Get directions and traffic info with Google Maps... even use GPS!
• Install new software tools and even start writing your own
• Fix the most common problems with service and hardware


iPhone: The Missing Manual: Covers iPhone 4 & All Other Models with iOS 4 Software

With multitasking and more than a 100 other new features, iPhone 4.0 is a real treat, cooked up with Apple's traditional secret sauce of simplicity, intelligence, and whimsy. iPhone: The Missing Manual gives you a guided tour of everything the new iPhone has to offer, with lots of tips, tricks, and surprises. Learn how to make calls and play songs by voice control, take great photos, keep track of your schedule, and much more with complete step-by-step instructions and crystal-clear explanations by iPhone master David Pogue.
Whether you have a brand-new iPhone, or want to update an earlier model with the iPhone 4.0 software, this beautiful full-color book is the best, most objective resource available.
Use it as a phone -- learn the basics as well as time-saving tricks and tips for contact searching, texting, and more
Treat it as an iPod -- master the ins and outs of iTunes, and listen to music, upload and view photos, and fill the iPhone with TV shows and movies
Take the iPhone online -- make the most of your online experience to browse the Web, read and compose email, use social networks, or send photos and audio files
Go beyond the iPhone -- learn how to use the App Store, and how to multitask between your apps, organize them in folders, and read ebooks in iBooks
Unlock the full potential of your iPhone -- with the book that should have been in the box.


Ultra-Low Energy Domain-Specific Instruction-Set Processors

Modern consumers carry many electronic devices, like a mobile phone, digital camera, GPS, PDA and an MP3 player. The functionality of each of these devices has gone through an important evolution over recent years, with a steep increase in both the number of features as in the quality of the services that they provide. However, providing the required compute power to support (an uncompromised combination of) all this functionality is highly non-trivial. Designing processors that meet the demanding requirements of future mobile devices requires the optimization of the embedded system in general and of the embedded processors in particular, as they should strike the correct balance between flexibility, energy efficiency and performance. In general, a designer will try to minimize the energy consumption (as far as needed) for a given performance, with a sufficient flexibility. However, achieving this goal is already complex when looking at the processor in isolation, but, in reality, the processor is a single component in a more complex system. In order to design such complex system successfully, critical decisions during the design of each individual component should take into account effect on the other parts, with a clear goal to move to a global Pareto optimum in the complete multi-dimensional exploration space.

In the complex, global design of battery-operated embedded systems, the focus of Ultra-Low Energy Domain-Specific Instruction-Set Processors is on the energy-aware architecture exploration of domain-specific instruction-set processors and the co-optimization of the datapath architecture, foreground memory, and instruction memory organisation with a link to the required mapping techniques or compiler steps at the early stages of the design. By performing an extensive energy breakdown experiment for a complete embedded platform, both energy and performance bottlenecks have been identified, together with the important relations between the different components. Based on this knowledge, architecture extensions are proposed for all the bottlenecks.


My New Iphone: 52 Simple Projects to Get You Started

You finally did it-you bought the gizmo that everyone's talking about. Maybe you've already figured out how to play music or make phone calls, but then what?
How does the voicemail work? And that keyboard? What about all of those cool apps-which ones do you need, and how do you get them? You need a book like My New iPhone to make everything easy.
This simple, project-oriented book will have you using the best features of your iPhone or iPod Touch in no time. Rather than drag you through some boring manual, My New iPhone focuses on individual, fun projects, like configuring multiple email accounts, transferring your music, and syncing your computer with your iPhone.

Wallace Wang, author of the best-selling My New Mac, will show you, step-by-step, how to:
View weather predictions, traffic patterns, flight information, and stocks
Take notes, text message your friends, and browse the web
Customize your iPhone by rearranging icons and changing its wallpaper and sound effects
Find and install the best new applications and games
Browse iTunes, listen to music, and watch YouTube videos
Use Skype to call your family for free
Create your own ringtones and get free podcasts and audiobooks
Sure, your iPhone makes calls, but that's just the tip of the iceberg. Find out what lies below the surface with My New iPhone.


Digital Design and Computer Architecture

Digital Design and Computer Architecture is designed for courses that combine digital logic design with computer organization/architecture or that teach these subjects as a two-course sequence. Digital Design and Computer Architecture begins with a modern approach by rigorously covering the fundamentals of digital logic design and then introducing Hardware Description Languages (HDLs). Featuring examples of the two most widely-used HDLs, VHDL and Verilog, the first half of the text prepares the reader for what follows in the second: the design of a MIPS Processor. By the end of Digital Design and Computer Architecture, readers will be able to build their own microprocessor and will have a top-to-bottom understanding of how it works--even if they have no formal background in design or architecture beyond an introductory class. David Harris and Sarah Harris combine an engaging and humorous writing style with an updated and hands-on approach to digital design.




Laptops All-in-One For Dummies, Second Edition

The all-in-one guide to buying, using, securing, and transporting a laptop—it's ten books in one!

If you want to take a computer with you on a trip, to a coffee shop, or into the kitchen when you're cooking, laptops are just the ticket. They're portable, powerful, and popular—but they're not desktops, so you’ll want to know what you’re doing from the get-go. This terrific, ten-minibooks-in-one book covers all the bases: how to choose the best laptop for you, what you need to know when you’re on the road, how to get more productive and more.

•Shows you how to keep your laptop running smoothly and safely at home, at work, in the classroom, and on the road
•Includes ten books in one: Choosing the Best Laptop, Setting Up Your Laptop, Running Basic Windows Operations, Using Common Applications, Playing with Multimedia, Managing Your Power Supply, Upgrading Your Laptop, Networking and Linking to the Internet, Protecting Your Laptop, and Troubleshooting Common Problems
•Offers advice and tips on using your laptop safely and efficiently, including what accessories you need
•Reflects the very latest technologies, including Windows 7 and the new Microsoft Office 2010
This easy-to-follow For Dummies guide tells you everything you need to know about laptops!


Cisco Routers for the Desperate: Router and Switch Management, the Easy Way

Cisco routers and switches are the cornerstones of many networks. But when things break, repairs can intimidate even the most competent administrator. Luckily, just knowing the "in case of emergency" basics will take you far.
Just like the original, this second edition of the highly acclaimed Cisco Routers for the Desperate is written for the administrator in crisis mode. Updated to cover switches and the latest Cisco terminology, with a tighter focus on the needs of the small network administrator, this second edition gives you what you need to know to provide reliable network services and fix problems fast.

You'll find coverage of:
Installation—how to get your router and network connections up and running right the first time
Troubleshooting routers and switches, so that you can determine whether your hardware or the Internet is broken
Security concerns, like how to keep your network equipment safe from hackers and install a private network between two offices
How to implement basic network redundancy to reduce the risk of network downtime
Cisco Routers for the Desperate, 2nd Edition is designed to be read once and left alone until something breaks. When it does, you'll have everything you need to know in one easy-to-follow guidebook.


Configuring Juniper Networks Netscreen & Ssg Firewalls

Configuring Juniper Networks NetScreen & SSG Firewalls is the only complete reference to this family of products. It covers all of the newly released features of the product line as highlighted by Juniper Networks, including: Complete Coverage of Integrated Intrusion Prevention Step-by-Step Instructions for Protecting Against Worms, Trojans, Spyware, and Malware Advanced Information on Virtualization Technologies And coverage of important new updates: Deep inspection firewall, Centralized- policy-based management, Built-in high availability features, & Rapid deployment features.

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Mirror: FileSonic

Middleware Networks: Concept, Design and Deployment of Internet Infrastructure

Middleware Networks: Concept, Design and Deployment of Internet Infrastructure describes a framework for developing IP Service Platforms and emerging managed IP networks with a reference architecture from the AT&T Labs GeoPlex project. The main goal is to present basic principles that both the telecommunications industry and the Internet community can see as providing benefits for service-related network issues.

As this is an emerging technology, the solutions presented are timely and significant. Middleware Networks: Concept, Design and Deployment of Internet Infrastructure illustrates the principles of middleware networks, including Application Program Interfaces (APIs), reference architecture, and a model implementation.

Part I begins with fundamentals of transport, and quickly transitions to modern transport and technology. Part II elucidates essential requirements and unifying design principles for the Internet. These fundamental principles establish the basis for consistent behavior in view of the explosive growth underway in large-scale heterogeneous networks. Part III demonstrates and explains the resulting architecture and implementation. Particular emphasis is placed upon the control of resources and behavior. Reference is made to open APIs and sample deployments.

Middleware Networks: Concept, Design and Deployment of Internet Infrastructure is intended for a technical audience consisting of students, researchers, network professionals, software developers, system architects and technically-oriented managers involved in the definition and deployment of modern Internet platforms or services. Although the book assumes a basic technical competency, as it does not provide remedial essentials, any practitioner will find this useful, particularly those requiring an overview of the newest software architectures in the field.

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Essential Computer Security: Everyone's Guide to Email, Internet, and Wireless Security

Essential Security Advice from Tony Bradley,'s Guide for Internet/Network Security. “Security is a process, not a product, and computer security is everyone's responsibility. You wouldn't leave the backdoor of your home or business open to intruders, and your computer merits the same prudence.

Even Dodge City had a Wyatt Earp to keep order if things got out of hand. In the wild world of the Internet, there is no sheriff. With Essential Computer Security you can act as your own deputy by arming yourself with fundamental knowledge of the important aspects of computer security.” – Douglas Schweitzer, Sc.D., security expert and author of Securing the Network from Malicious Code

Coverage includes:
• Basic Windows Security
• Passwords
• Viruses, Worms, and Other Malware
• Patching
• Perimeter Security
• E-mail Safety
• Web Surfing Privacy and Safety
• Wireless Network Security
• Spyware and Adware
• Glossary of Technology and Terminology

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CD and DVD Forensics

CD and DVD Forensics takes the reader through all facets of handling, examining, and processing CD and DVD evidence for computer forensics.

CD and DVD Forensics is a how-to book that gives the reader tools to open CDs and DVDs in an effort to identify evidence of a crime. These tools can be applied in both the public and private sectors. Armed with this information, readers in law enforcement and corporate security and private investigators will be more effective in performing their evidence-related tasks.

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Mirror: FileSonic

Understanding Computers: Today and Tomorrow

Understanding Computers: Today and Tomorrow gives your students a classic introduction to computer concepts with a modern twist! Known for its emphasis on industry insight, this text makes concepts relevant to today's career-focused students.


The Black Art of Xbox Mods

The Xbox might be described as a powerful, proprietary PC that has been customized exclusively for running games. This book will help you to maximize the potential of your Xbox video game console by showing you how to modify your Xbox in various ways. You will learn how to disassemble your Xbox, right down to the motherboard, and you will learn about each component inside the Xbox case.
Several chapters are devoted to the most important part of Xbox modding: choosing a mod chip and then learning how to install it in your Xbox. The mod chip allows you to run third-party software on your Xbox that is normally limited exclusively to licensed retail games. By being able to run custom software on your Xbox, you will be able to transform it into a powerful media center capable of playing music files (such as MP3) and video files (such as MPEG2, Divx, WMV, and Xvid). All of the Xbox mod chips currently available work on the same principles, so you will find the coverage of the material applicable to whatever mod chip you use (or plan to install while reading this book). Although this book addresses several of the major mod chips currently available, it focuses primarily on the Xenium mod chip. I chose this mod chip because it comes with an excellent operating system with features that will assist with upgrading the hard drive and installing your favorite Dashboards and software. All of the mod chips currently on the market are similar, so even if you're using another mod chip (such as SmartXX, Xecuter, X-Bit, X-Chip, or Chameleon), you will find the topics relevant and helpful because the focus is mainly on the Xbox itself, not on any specific model of aftermarket hardware.




Gerald R. Rising, "Inside Your Calculator: From Simple Programs to Significant Insights"

Many of us want to understand how the technological instruments that so pervade modern society operate. This book answers questions about one of those devices: the scientific calculator. Calculator keys seem to work like magic. They tell us, for example, that the cosine of 56° is 0.559192903. This book explores the simple internal calculator processes (called algorithms or programs) that produce this and similar results. Although the text focuses on the calculator keys that compute powers, roots, logarithms, and trigonometry functions, insights are also provided into simple programming, conversion between decimal and binary numeration, and perhaps most important, the structure of our numeration systems. Many people think that the processes that drive calculators demand advanced mathematical concepts such as Taylor series. However, high school algebra and a minimum understanding of programming (provided by this text) supply enough background to understand these algorithms.

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Alan Wiemann, "Standardized Functional Verification"

Standardized Functional Verification describes the science of functional verification that applies to any digital hardware system. With a precise and comprehensive terminology this book describes a thorough technical framework for achieving superior results with greater efficiency. It also defines a scientific basis for achieving functional closure and shows how true functional closure can be measured by software.
The author provides a wealth of practical guidance to the practicing professional. It describes how to compare results from differing projects and how to assess the risk of functional bugs at tape-out or at any other critical product juncture. The book also shows consumers how to compare IP offerings from multiple vendors. For producers, it describes how to verify IP in a manner that meets customer needs. Producers and consumers of silicon IP therefore have a solid framework to communicate requirements and to align expectations effectively and efficiently.
Standardized Functional Verification is a valuable reference for verification engineers and managers, and also for developers of verification software. The principles and theory this book describes will drive creation of the next generation of verification tools.

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The iPad Pocket Guide

Quickly master all the features and functions of the iPad with this handy well-crafted pocket guide. Versatile, portable, powerful, ergonomically and functionally designed, the iPad is the perfect companion for digital media. With photos, music, movies, e-mail, and more than 150,000 apps, the iPad will help you organize, explore, and maximize your digital world. And, that's where this book steps in. Handy, inexpensive, and to-the-point, it's a complete companion to all the features and functions of the iPad including: Mail, Safari, Photos and Video, App Store, iBooks, Maps, Notes, Calendar, and Contacts. It will help you get up and running with easy-to-understand instructions, and then show you hidden gems and tips to make you a true iPad expert.

Snappy writing, eye-catching graphics, and a clean design walk you through the most common iPad tasks.
Teaches the major apps and functions including Calendar, Contacts, Maps, Notes, iPod, and Spotlight Search.
Complete coverage of iTunes, App Store, and iBooks along with tips and tricks for each store.


How to Paint Your Car (Motorbooks Workshop)

Everything you need to know and everything you need to do to have perfect paint on your specialty car. Whether its a concours-quality restoration or a ground-pounding hot rod, this book will fit your painting interests. The auto body and paint business is changing at an incredibly fast rate, mainly in response to environmental rules and regulations. This book emphasizes what parts of the job a hobbyist can, and should, do himself and what should be left to the pros.




Laptops For Dummies

Get a move on! Learn to roam free with this guide to choosing and using a laptop
Laptops come with everything you need to get going — everything, that is, except a guide to buying and using one. This book covers portable computers from laptop to lap-bottom, with useful advice on picking one, setting it up, managing power and peripherals, going online, and hitting the road.
Which one fits your lap? — learn what to look for, what to ignore, and how to find the laptop you'll love
Get acquainted — tour your laptop and locate its buttons, disk slots, security features, and keyboard peculiarities
Windows, laptop model — test-drive Windows® on your laptop and know where to find programs, files, and network access
Feel the power — discover how to monitor your laptop's power and prolong battery life
You've got connections — introduce your laptop to a network and connect to the Internet wherever you find it
Make friends with your OS — find out how to use the latest features in Windows® 7 and other laptop-friendly operating systems and keep your laptop happy
Bells and whistles, anyone? — add a portable printer, PC Card, or USB gizmo to make your laptop more versatile
Prepare for takeoff — protect your laptop and your data when you travel

Open the book and find:
Translations of laptop buzzwords
Regular maintenance and troubleshooting tips
Steps for safely unpacking your laptop
Advice on maximizing power, memory, and hard drive space
Tips for strong passwords you can actually remember
What the differences are between netbooks and laptops
How to make phone calls and video-chat from your laptop
Descriptions of ten cool laptop accessories

Learn to:
Make the most of the latest laptop features and capabilities
Synchronize your laptop with your desktop and cellphone
Set up security for mobility and social networking
Beef up your laptop's memory and hard drive capacity


Data Streams: Models and Algorithms

Data Streams: Models and Algorithms primarily discusses issues related to the mining aspects of data streams. Recent progress in hardware technology makes it possible for organizations to store and record large streams of transactional data. For example, even simple daily transactions such as using the credit card or phone result in automated data storage, which brings us to a fairly new topic called data streams.

This volume covers mining aspects of data streams comprehensively: each contributed chapter contains a survey on the topic, the key ideas in the field for that particular topic, and future research directions.

Data Streams: Models and Algorithms is intended for a professional audience composed of researchers and practitioners in industry. This book is also appropriate for advanced-level students in computer science.
