“Doctor Who” Novel: The Dying Days

What We Saw From the Ruined House
Tuesday, May 6th 1997
The Doctor was late, as usual.
Professor Bernice Summerfield wouldn’t mind, but he was a Time Lord. Not only did this mean that he could travel freely in the fourth and fifth dimensions of time and space, so he ought to be able to keep his appointments, it meant that he could always have popped back afterwards and left her a note saying he was going to had been late. He really had no excuse.
She resolved not to get too upset, and poured herself another cup of coffee. There were worse places to be than the Kent countryside in the dying days of the twentieth century. Kadiatu and aM!xitsa had dropped her off at the Doctor’s house on Allen Road a week ago, on the morning of April the thirtieth 1997, the day before she and the Doctor had arranged to meet. Kadiatu had told Benny that they couldn’t stay long without violating the non-aggression treaty between the People and the Time Lords. Benny and Kadiatu had used what time they had to drive down to Adisham to stock up on provisions. AM!xitsa stayed behind to keep an eye out for the Doctor, just in case he turned up early. The locals were used to them, now: they didn’t turn heads at Mrs Darling’s little corner shop, even when they tried to pay for a trolleyful of food with a single five pound coin.
