Why only Mozila firefox browser?

You can see the difference while opening this site in Internet explorer and mozila firefox

With Internet explorer:
*Slow browsing.

*Slow loading of pages.

*Do not have protection against virus containing pages.

*Some elements may not show in IE.

* Unable to open deep sources of files.

With mozila firefox:
*Fast browsing than any other browser.

*Advance warning against virus containing pages.

* Browse the web fatser so can reach to deep sources of files.

* Show almost every element of page.

* Pages upload in less time so saves time.

These facts are based on my personal experience so i will again recommend to download and install mozila firefox for better, fast and safe browsing .

And more than half problems will be solved.

For other problems like restriction to download from rapidshare i will discuss in next post so keep looking this website.